Pool Safety Inspections
Essential for keeping your family safe
Essential for keeping your family safe
Have you registered your swimming pool? If not, you must register your swimming pool with the swimming pool register prior to us conducting a pool safety inspection.
Please visit www.qbcc.qld.gov.au to register your swimming pool.

Pool inspection license No 102269
Ironside Pool Safety Inspections services the greater Brisbane area.
We offer Pool Safety Inspections and Pool Safety Certificate upon compliance. We also offer pool advisory services to property owners, property sellers and buyers, Landlords, Real Estate Agents, Property Managers, Body Corporates and Residential Complexes. We are here to ensure your pool fence is compliant with the pool safety standards, AS1926 1&2 – 2007 and the governing standards in Queensland, QDC MP 3.4
The Queensland Government has introduced new pool safety laws and regulations (30 Nov 2015). Complying to these aim to further reduce the incidence of drowning and serious immersion injuries in privately owned pools.
All pools in Queensland must be registered with the QBCC.
For the safety of all parties that may access your property ask your self. Is my pool registered? To find out, Go to www.qbcc.qld.gov.au -pool safety-registering your pool.
How do I know if I am responsible for the compliance of a pool or spa?
A non-shared pool is only accessible to the residents of one dwelling and is typically associated with houses and units or townhouses with private spas or pools.
You can sell your property with or without a pool safety certificate. However, if you are not providing a certificate, you must give the buyer a Form 36-notice of no pool safety certificate prior to entering a contract of sale and a completed copy of the form is required to be sent to QBCC (poolsafety@qbcc.qld.gov.au) before settlement.
The buyer must get a pool safety certificate within 90 days of settlement.
If leasing your home, a pool safety certificate must be obtained before entering into the accommodation agreement.
The expiry date for certificates
Pool safety certificates for non-shared pools are valid for 2 years from the date of issue.
A shared pool is accessible to residents of two or more dwellings. They are typically associated with apartment and unit complexes, hotels, motels, backpacker hostels, and caravan parks.
If you own a unit or apartment with a shared pool, you can sell it with or without a pool safety certificate. However, if you are not providing a certificate, you must give a completed copy of the Form 36-notice of no pool safety certificate to the buyer before entering the contract of sale.
Before settlement, you must provide a completed copy of this form to both the owner of the pool (usually a body corporate) and the QBCC (poolsafety@qbcc.qld.gov.au).
The owner of the pool (usually the body corporate) then has 90 days to obtain a pool safety certificate.
Before you enter into the accommodation agreement, you must provide a pool safety certificate or Form 36-notice of no pool safety certificate to all parties. These parties include the new occupier, the owner of the pool usually a body corporate and the QBCC (poolsafety@qbcc.qld.gov.au)
If Form 36 has been provided, the pool owner then has 90 days from when they entered the accommodation agreement, to obtain a pool safety certificate.
The expiry date for certificates Pool safety certificates for shared pools are valid for 1 year from date of issue.
Please note: The pool safety checklist provided below is a guide only for pre-inspection support. The pool safety checklist is NOT a provision of compliance of pool safety.
Seek an inspector to provide the necessary compliance certificate. Get your pool listed on the pool safety register


Pool Safety Checklist
Please note: The pool safety checklist provided below is a guide only for pre-inspection support.
The pool safety checklist is NOT a provision of compliance of pool safety. Seek an Inspector to provide the necessary compliance certificate.
Get your pool listed on the pool safety register with the QBCC.